Free online study material for social work students
Dear learner, if you are searching for authentic, reliable, and quality study material for your social work related studies, please refer to the below-mentioned sources for the same. You can directly download the free study material from the mentioned below weblinks.
Free online study material Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, has constantly worked to create an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education. By providing top-notch instruction through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) method, it has attempted to raise the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER).
The University started off by providing two academic programmes in 1987, namely the Diploma in Management and the Diploma in Distance Education, with a student body of 4,528. Today, it provides for the educational goals of nearly 3 million students in India and other countries through a network of 67 Regional Centers, 2,000 or so Learner Support Centers, and 20 foreign schools, as well as 21 Schools of Studies. IGNOU has consistently met the demands placed on it by the nation to educate the socially and economically disadvantaged groups.
Ignou free online study material of various disciplines / subjects can be downloaded from the mentioned below
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Social Work study material हिन्दी में

Free online study material Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU, formerly Kota Open University)
As a pioneering institution for open learning in Rajasthan, Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU, formerly Kota Open University) was founded in 1987.
The primary goal of VMOU is to make educational opportunities available to a greater segment of the public, especially to underprivileged groups like SC/ST, those who live in rural and remote locations, women, those who are in the workforce, and others. According to the Act, the University must, among other things, provide instruction and research in fields of knowledge technology, vocation, and profession as it may deem necessary or appropriate; prescribe courses of study for degrees, diplomas, certificates, or any other purpose; hold examinations and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates, and other academic distinctions; and deciding on the best way to organise academic programmes using a virtual education system.
Free online study material can be downloaded from the following weblink of VMOU
Free online study material Uttarakhand Open University (UOU)
The Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) was established on October 31, 2005, by an act of the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly (Act No. 23 of 2005), with the purpose of disseminating knowledge and skills through distance learning while utilising adaptable and cutting-edge teaching strategies to ensure “Independent Learning.”
The University’s main goal is to meet the educational demands of the target populations in order to provide knowledgeable and skilled labour for the State’s rapid uplift and progress.
Free online MSW study material (Click SLM-pdf)
Other MSW study material download from
Further programmes offered by UoU can be seen and study material can be downloaded from this weblink
Free online study material Rabindra Bharati University
The Rabindra Bharati University was founded in 1962 to commemorate the great poet Rabindranath Tagore’s 100th birthday. Tagore was the first Asian and Indian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
History And Philosophy of Social Work
Understanding Society, Culture & Identity
Social Work Theories – I
Social Work Theories II
Social Welfare Administration
Understanding Human Behaviour
Principles and Process of Case Work and Group Work
Social Action and Movements
Free online study material Panjab University, India
University School of Open Learning
The University School of Open Learning (USOL) is commemorating its 50th birthday this year. It started off as the Directorate of Correspondence Courses in 1971 with the grand purpose of expanding access to high-quality education outside of academic institutions. It began as an undergraduate institution and developed into a well-known and respected Open and Distance Learning Institute. Today, it has all the necessary tools to meet the constantly changing requirements and demands of students in the twenty-first century.
There are many different types of courses offered by USOL, including traditional undergraduate and graduate courses, professional courses, job-oriented courses, skill-based courses, market-driven courses, and some value-oriented courses. The style of instruction comprises one-on-one counselling with students, organising regional and national seminars/webinars, special lecture series, response sheets, assignments, video and audio content on chosen topics, and printed study materials in self-learning mode.
For UG courses
For PG courses
Free online study material University of Lucknow
Other Sources
Gujarati medium
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